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Goat Zap lets you create liquidity pool tokens and deposit into Goat Vaults with just one transaction. You no longer need to add or remove liquidity on the underlying protocol before depositing or withdrawing from a Goat Vault. Also, you can use unrelated assets to a Goat Vault to deposit.
So, if you want to deposit ETH into a stablecoin Vault, the Zap will:
Swap ETH to a stablecoin using 1inch or Kyberswap.
Add liquidity to the underlying pool.
Deposit the Liquidity Pool Tokens into the Goat Vault.
All that in just one transaction! You'll also get the best swap rate because we use dex aggregators to perform the needed swaps.
Not all Goat Vaults have Zap support, we're working hard to make it available on all Vaults!
In this example we'll use the crvUSD-USDC Vault.
To deposit via a Zap, select which token you want to deposit with. The default token is the LP token of this vault, in this case the crvUSD-USDC LP. To Select the token, click on the down arrow next to the LP token image.
It will display a list of the tokens you can deposit with. In this example we'll use ETH to deposit into the vault. See that you can deposit with one of the two tokens the build up the LP. Doing so would simplify the zap and skip the swap step.
Once you select the token you want to deposit with. The UI will show a summary of all the steps that the Zap will follow. As you can see here, with 0.01 ETH, you'll receive 35.32 crvUSD-USDC LP, which will be deposited into the Goat Vault.
Remember to check the quote given by the Zap Route. While Goat Zap protects the users agains swap slippage, it doesn't protect against price impact. So, if you're doing size, be sure to check those numbers.
To withdraw with Goat Zap, you just have to select which token do you want to get and the amount of LP tokens you want to withdraw.